30-Brighton shop window auction trail

 I’m busy during May, exhibiting one of these cosmetic posters at the Bead shop as part of the artists open houses auction trail. I’m also showing my happy family cards at the Bungeroosh Gallery, 25 Marine Sq, Brighton and have been chosen to exhibit in HOUSE open at the Regency Townhouse, Brunswick Sq, Brighton. If you want to take part in the auction, you can bid online at http://www.aoh.org.uk.

30-Brighton HOUSE open

I’m exhibiting at the Regency Townhouse, Brunswick Square, Brighton in the open submission exhibition HOUSE open, showcasing the best of artist open house artists. It’s been curated by Simon Martin )Pallant House), Woodrow Kernohan (Photofringe) and Nicola Coleby (Brighton and Hove museum and art gallery). Opening times 11-5pm on May weekends.  You can see large scale versions of these on earlier posts.